
"atrofia muscular" in English

"atrofia muscular" in English

Context examples for "atrofia muscular" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los tipos más frecuentes afectan los nervios motores y sensitivos y provocan atrofia muscular y deterioro sensitivo.
The most common types affect motor and sensory nerves and cause muscle wasting and sensory loss.
La EE ha demostrado tener un efecto clínicamente beneficioso sobre la fuerza de agarre y la resistencia a la fatiga en pacientes con AR con atrofia muscular de la mano.
ES was shown to have a clinically beneficial effect on grip strength and fatigue resistance for RA patients with muscle atrophy of the hand.
Dado que las características principales de estos síndromes son la atrofia muscular y el trastorno sensitivo, los tratamientos procuran mejorar el deterioro motor y los trastornos sensitivos.
Since muscle wasting and sensory disturbance are the main features of these syndromes, treatments aim to improve motor impairment and sensory disturbances.