
"atribuible" in English

"atribuible" in English
atribuible{adjective masculine/feminine}
atribuible{adjective masculine/feminine}
Este análisis muestra un aumento significativo de la supervivencia atribuible a la quimioterapia preoperatoria.
This analysis shows a significant increase in survival attributable to pre-operative chemotherapy.
En la Unión Europea, el 70 % de la demanda de petróleo es atribuible al sector del transporte.
In the EU 70% of demand for oil is attributable to the transport sector.
Sabemos que se ha producido una enorme pérdida de elefantes, en gran parte atribuible a la caza furtiva.
We know there has been a huge loss in elephant numbers, much of which is attributable to poaching.

Context examples for "atribuible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
indisolubilidad que es atribuible al matrimonio natural y que asume una dimensión
attributed to natural marriage and takes on a more profound and expressive
Se finge creer que este drama es atribuible a la meteorología.
We pretend to put this human drama down to the weather.
El único momento emocionante es atribuible a Nelson Mandela, al anunciar su próxima retirada política.
The only moment of emotion came with the announcement by Nelson Mandela concerning his imminent retirement from politics.
El retraso en la aplicación del presente reglamento no es únicamente atribuible a la Comisión y algunos Estados Miembros.
The delay in the implementation of the regulation cannot be ascribed solely to the Commission and individual Member States.
Las emisiones de CO2 han venido incrementándose considerablemente allí, sobre todo a partir de 1995, lo cual es atribuible en último término al crecimiento económico.
Since 1995, per capita CO2 emissions have risen considerably there as a result of economic growth.
En las últimas semanas ha habido en general poca violencia en la región y ningún atentado con bombas atribuible a Hamas.
Generally speaking, there has been little violence in the region in recent weeks, and certainly none of the bomb attacks that Hamas was probably responsible for.
Obviamente, la situación demográfica es un éxito de la sociedad, atribuible a los cuidados médicos y a la mejora de las condiciones de vida en general.
The demographic situation is obviously a success for society, which can be attributed to medical care and an improvement in living conditions in general.
Reconozco que esto no es atribuible al Banco Europeo de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo, pero éste tiene un compromiso con los principios políticos.
Admittedly, this is not an accusation that can be levelled at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development itself, but the Bank does have a commitment to political principles.
Podemos constatar que los países parte del proceso de ampliación han alcanzado en poco tiempo la estabilidad democrática, y ello es un logro atribuible a sus pueblos.
When we see that the countries in the enlargement process have already stabilised their democratic systems in a short space of time, then that is their achievement.
En este contexto se produce un porcentaje de errores imputables a los Estados que resulta sospechoso, más aun cuando una proporción considerable del mismo es atribuible al fraude.
A number of errors for which the Member States are to blame occur during the distribution of funds, which makes us apprehensive, especially as a considerable percentage is the result of fraud.
Si bien parte del éxito es atribuible a los artistas en sí, estamos muy contentos de haber ayudado a muchos de nuestros artistas a descubrir y dedicarse a nuevos intereses en diferentes ámbitos.
While a good deal of the credit must go to the artists themselves, we are very happy to have helped many of our performers successfully discover and pursue new interests in a variety of fields.