
"astray" in Spanish

"astray" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "astray":
Context examples for "astray" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nor will my advice profit you were I minded to advise you, if Allah wills to keep you astray.
¿Afirman, acaso, algunos de ellos: “[Muhammad] ha inventado esta [historia]”?
But when they saw it (the garden), they said, "Most surely we have gone astray.
Pero tan pronto lo vieron, exclamaron [sin poderlo reconocer]: “¡Seguro que nos hemos extraviado!
That being said, our Parliament must not be led astray by the Commission on nuclear matters.
Dicho esto, el Parlamento no debe dejarse despistar por la Comisión en materia nuclear.
And when they saw them, they said, "Most surely these are truly astray".
y cuando ven a esos [que creen], dicen: “¡Ciertamente, esta [gente] está en verdad extraviada!
Said He, "Verily, We have tested your people in your absence, and As-Samiri has led them astray.
Entonces Moisés regresó a su pueblo lleno de ira y pesar, [y] exclamó: “¡Oh pueblo mío!
However, this is exactly what is leading the people of Europe astray.
Ahora bien, eso es exactamente lo que está llevando a los ciudadanos de Europa por el mal camino.
And certainly most of the ancients went astray before them,
Así, de hecho, se extraviaron la mayoría de los antiguos antes de ellos,
Your companion (Muhammad) does not err, nor is he deceived (or astray or is misled);
Vuestro paisano no se ha extraviado, ni se engaña,
And they made peers for Allah, to lead men astray from His path.
Pues, sostenían que existen poderes capaces de rivalizar con Dios, y así se desviaron de Su camino.
Certainly, they found their fathers going astray,
pues, ciertamente, encontraron a sus antepasados en un camino equivocado,
easily led astray by sects or para-religious movements.
creyentes desviándolos hacia sectas o movimientos pararreligiosos.
He verily led me astray from the Reminder after it had reached me.
Y [en ese Día] el enviado dirá: "¡Oh Sustentador mío!
Given the number of technical issues that have been raised, it would lead me too far astray to comment on all of them.
En esos ámbitos, los Estados miembros podrán mantener sus disposiciones nacionales.
It is for the Court of Justice to decide where the Member States – or the Council – have gone astray.
Compete al Tribunal de Justicia decidir si los Estados miembros –o el Consejo– han ido por mal camino.
And whom Allah guides, there is none that can lead him astray; is not Allah Mighty, the Lord of Retribution?
mientras que aquel a quien Dios guía jamás podrá ser extraviado.
You are leading the people, the citizens of Europe astray.
De esta manera, acabarán desconcertando a la población, a los ciudadanos, en lo que se refiere a Europa.
And indeed they have led astray many, and do not increase the unjust in aught but error.
“Y han extraviado con ello a muchos: ¡haz, pues, que esos malhechores se extravíen cada vez más lejos [de cuanto desean]!
And he certainly led astray a multitude of people from among you.
Y [en cuanto a Satán --] él había extraviado ya a un gran número de vosotros: ¿no podíais haber hecho uso de la razón?
There are huge sums of money going astray which we could use very effectively in the European Union.
Hay enormes sumas de dinero que se nos están escapando y que podríamos aprovechar muy eficazmente en la Unión Europea.
They will say, "Our Lord our misfortune overcame us, and we became a people astray.
¡Oh Sustentador nuestro!