
"artifact" in Spanish

"artifact" in Spanish
As Hahn pieced together more than 200 fragments, an extraordinary artifact dating to the Aurignacian period (more than 30,000 years ago) began to emerge.
Cuando Hahn empezó a juntar los más de 200 fragmentos, un extraordinario artefacto datado en el período auriñaciense (de más de 30.000 años) empezó a surgir.
The artifacts range from intricate bentwood boxes to a beautifully painted woven hat; from carved fish-hooks to model totem poles.
Los artefactos van desde complicadas cajas de madera maleable hasta un sombrero tejido y bellamente pintado; desde anzuelos tallados hasta tótems.
The Stewart Museum has a large collection of over 30,000 objects and artifacts of Nouvelle France and the European influence in NorthAmerica.
El museo Stewart tiene una amplia colección de más de 30.000 objetos y artefactos de la Nouvelle France y de la influencia europea en Norteamérica.

Synonyms (English) for "artifact":
Context examples for "artifact" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The British Museum said the artifact would go back on display in its ancient Iran gallery on Tuesday.
COMPETITIONS - Expression of Interest (EOI): Historic Environment: Local Authority Capacity by English Heritage.
This information can then be combined to create a virtual representation of an artifact or a dig site.
Tras absorber esta información, el sistema renderiza una escena completa en 3D que puede ser guardada para su posterior visionado.
Artifact recovery was not part of their original plan, but that plan changed after their first few dives.
La recuperación de los objetos de a bordo no estaba en el plan original, pero el plan cambió después de las primeras inmersiones.
The British Museum said the artifact would go back on display in its ancient Iran gallery on Tuesday.
The find shows that a metalled and cambered roadway, was constructed in the first century BC - a 100 years before the Emperor Claudius sent troops to conquer Britain.