
"archdiocese" in Spanish

"archdiocese" in Spanish
In the spirit of Gyulafehérvár, I recommend that the millennium of the archdiocese ...
De acuerdo con el espíritu de Gyulafehérvár, recomiendo que el milenario de la archidiócesis...
The Archdiocese of Kraków, of which he was the Administrator in the difficult period of the 1950s, owes much to him.
La archidiócesis de Cracovia, de la que fue administrador en la difícil década de 1950, le debe mucho.
I extend fraternal greetings to the Bishops, especially to the Cardinal Primate and the auxiliary Bishops of the Archdiocese of Warsaw.
Dirijo un saludo fraterno a los obispos, especialmente al cardenal primado y a sus colaboradores, los obispos auxiliares de la archidiócesis de Varsovia.
archdiocese{noun} [idiom]
Archdiocese of San Sebastián de Rio de Janeiro, and the experts and collaborators in Rome.
Nacional de Obispos de Brasil (CNBB), la Arquidiócesis de San Sebastián de Rio de Janeiro, y los expertos y colaboradores en Roma.
He carried out important tasks for the Archdiocese of Turin as Pro-Vicar General, Vicar for the Nuns, and Promoter of Justice.
Desempeñó importantes tareas incluso para la Arquidiócesis de Turín como Pro-Vicario general, Vicario de las monjas y Promotor de justicia.

Context examples for "archdiocese" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They raised the serious problems we have to face: rescuing files from both the archdiocese and the parishes, libraries, etc.. which are being stolen…
Se plantearon lo graves problemas a enfrentar: Rescate de los archivos, tanto del Arzobispado como los parroquiales, Bibliotecas, etc. Que están siendo víctimas de robo y zaqueo.