
"apostle" in Spanish

"apostle" in Spanish
poweringly eloquent words of the Apostle of the Gentiles concerning the
siglo XX, las palabras del Apóstol de las gentes, pronunciadas con arrebatadora
these words of the Apostle Paul, which the Second Vatican Council takes up at
palabras del apóstol Pablo, que el Concilio Vaticano II cita al comienzo de la
As Successor of the Apostle Peter and following the Lord's command, I
Como Sucesor del Apóstol Pedro y siguiendo el mandato del Señor

Context examples for "apostle" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Apostle to the Gentiles sums up Jesus Christ's apostolic mission,
de los gentiles resume la misión de Jesucristo explicitando la dimensión
Obey Allah and obey the Apostle, and do not make your actions vain.
¡Obedeced a Dios, y obedeced al Enviado, y no echéis a perder vuestras [buenas] obras!
Successor of the Apostle Peter, has become my specific duty in his See.
Pedro, se ha convertido en mi deber específico en su misma Cátedra.
the Apostle did: "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus
vosotros me precié de saber cosa alguna, sino a Jesucristo, y éste
Apostle Paul remind us that the fundamental gift of the Spirit is
Pablo nos recuerdan que la gracia santificante (gratia gratum faciens)
As the Apostle Paul writes: "God's love has been poured into
Pablo: « El amor de Dios ha sido derramado en nuestros corazones por el
did with the Apostle Peter — when uncertainty, doubt and fear
Pedro- cuando la inseguridad, la duda o el miedo amenacen con ahogar
apostolic efforts we must not, as the Apostle Paul makes clear in the second
lectura, no hay que seguir la lógica de la «sabiduría
every Christian, and particularly for the apostle and the apostle's co-worker.
La Iglesia es maestra de confianza para todo
to the Apostle, it was part of the original plan of the creation that reason
El libro de la Sabiduría tiene algunos textos
Apostle Paul writes, is "designated Son of God in power according to the
quita el pecado del mundo ».66
And if you will not do it, then hearken to the proclamation of war from Allah and His Apostle; but if you repent, your capital is your s.
porque si no lo hacéis, sabed que estáis en guerra con Dios y Su Enviado.
with the powerful intercession of the Apostle James, may all of you together build the Europe of hope.
May the witness of the Apostle James give you today the same strength to walk towards Christ, without fear of the storms or the waves.
And when the hypocrites and those in whose heart was a disease began to say, "Allah and His Apostle did not promise us nothing but delusion.
y cuando algunos de ellos dijeron: "¡Oh gentes de Yazrib!
to become the apostle Paul (cf.
Saulo tuvo su propio "bautismo" (cf.
Be not forward in the presence of Allah and His Apostle, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah; surely Allah is Hearing, Knowing.
¡No asumáis precedencia frente a [lo que] Dios y Su Enviado [os ordenen], sino sed conscientes de Dios: pues, realmente, Dios todo lo oye, es omnisciente!
And when it is said to them, "Come round to what Allah has revealed unto His Apostle," they say, "Enough for us is that wherein we found our fathers.
pues cuando se les dice: “Venid a lo que Dios ha hecho descender, y al Enviado” --responden: “Nos basta con lo que hemos hallado que creían y hacían nuestros antepasados.
Thus have We made you a middle (or justly balanced) nation, to be witnesses against men, and that the Apostle may be a witness against you.
Y hemos hecho así de vosotros una comunidad intermedia, para que [con vuestras vidas] deis testimonio de la verdad ante toda la humanidad, y para que el Enviado de testimonio de ella ante vosotros.
Do you then, every time an apostle comes to you with what your souls love not, scorn him with pride, and charge some with lying and slay others?
[Sin embargo,] ¿no es cierto que cada vez que llegaba a vosotros un enviado con algo que no era de vuestro agrado os mostrabais altivos, desmintiendo a algunos de ellos y a otros dándoles muerte?