
"anthropology" in Spanish

"anthropology" in Spanish
of the anthropology that defends the dignity of man and woman, makes it possible
antropología que defiende la dignidad del hombre y de la mujer, permite
anthropology and a theology of communication -- not least, so that theology
una antropología y una verdadera teología de la comunicación,
Indigenous Studies and Engaged Anthropology Symposium 15 - 17 September 2009.
Simposio sobre estudios indígenas y antropología comprometida 15 - 17 septiembre 2009.

Context examples for "anthropology" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
man: anthropology, palaeontology, history, sociology, psychology and so on;
historia, la sociología, la sicología, etc.; todas parecen testimoniar de
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Organizers: University of Bristol, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte Organizadores: University of Bristol, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Exhibition at University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (USA) "Iraq's Ancient Past - Rediscovering Ur's Royal Cemetery" 25 October - 30 November 2009.
Exposición - "Newspeak: British Art Now" 25 octubre 2009 - 17 enero 2010.
Ungar, chairman of anthropology at the University of Arkansas.
Cette dcouverte permet donc de supposer que la dispersion des hominids travers l'Asie du Sud est beaucoup plus ancienne que ce que les scientifiques imaginaient jusqu' prsent.
This was explained by Diana Magaloni, director of the National Museum of Anthropology (MNA) at the first of a conference series that complement the exhibition Six Ancient Cities of Mesoamerica.
The bunker was discovered in recent days at Plac Zbawiciela, or Savior's Square, a major traffic hub in the Polish capital where tram tracks and the street are undergoing thorough renovation.