
"ant" in Spanish

"ant" in Spanish
Rewarding the grasshoppers and punishing the ants will not help the euro: it will do nothing to further European integration at this very sensitive point in its development.
Recompensar a los saltamontes y castigar a las hormigas no ayudará al euro: no contribuirá a la integración Europea en este punto tan sensible de su desarrollo.

Synonyms (English) for "ant":
Context examples for "ant" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Until, when they came upon the Valley of the Ants, an ant said, "O you ants!
Entonces [Salomón] sonrió, regocijado por lo que ella había dicho, y dijo: "¡Oh Sustentador mío
In the Nordic countries, there are also insects which need burning ant hills in order to breed.
En los países nórdicos hay insectos que necesitan hormigueros ardiendo para poder multiplicarse.
If you do not mind me saying, you are like a hard-working ant, who achieves results little by little while the grasshoppers chirrup and laze around in the Member States.
Permítame la licencia de decirle que parece una hormiguita laboriosa, que llega a los resultados poco a poco frente a las cigarras que cantan y ocian en los Estados miembros.