
"anesthetic" in Spanish

"anesthetic" in Spanish
Despite advances in anesthetic and surgical techniques, post-tonsillectomy morbidity remains a significant clinical problem.
A pesar de los avances en las técnicas anestésicas y quirúrgicas, la morbilidad posterior a la amigdalectomía sigue siendo un problema clínico importante.
anesthetic{adjective} [idiom]
Despite advances in anesthetic and surgical techniques, post-tonsillectomy morbidity remains a significant clinical problem.
A pesar de los avances en las técnicas anestésicas y quirúrgicas, la morbilidad posterior a la amigdalectomía sigue siendo un problema clínico importante.
anesthetic{noun} [idiom]
anestesia{f} (droga)
this side is still numb from the anesthetic
todavía tengo este lado dormido de la anestesia
he's in some discomfort because of the anesthetic
está molesto por la anestesia
to be under anesthetic
estar bajo los efectos de la anestesia

Synonyms (English) for "anesthetic":
Context examples for "anesthetic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he had to have a general anesthetic to have his teeth out
tuvieron que dormirlo para sacarle las muelas
this side is still numb from the anesthetic
todavía tengo este lado dormido de la anestesia
she hasn't come round from the anesthetic yet
todavía no ha despertado de la anestesia
he's in some discomfort because of the anesthetic
está molesto por la anestesia
he had the tooth taken out with no anesthetic
le sacaron la muela a palo seco
I had the tooth out under anesthetic
me anestesiaron para quitarme la muela
he took his tooth out without an anesthetic
le sacó la muela sin anestesia
to be under anesthetic
estar bajo los efectos de la anestesia