
"amina" in English

"amina" in English
Su principal finalidad es añadir a la lista de sustancias prohibidas otras dos aminas, clasificadas entre tanto como carcinógenas.
We are mainly concerned with adding two further amines to the banned list because they have since been categorised as carcinogenic.
Los colorantes azoicos liberan aminas aromáticas con efectos carcinógenos cuando permanecen en contacto con la piel o la cavidad bucal humanas.
Azocolourants are dyes which release cancer-causing aromatic amines if they come into contact with human skin or with the mouth cavity.

Context examples for "amina" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
«¿Por qué Amina y no yo?», clama el mundo entero contra esta hipocresía islamista.
'Why Amina and not me?', the whole world asks in the face of this Islamic hypocrisy.
«¿Por qué Amina y no yo?», clama el mundo entero contra esta hipocresía islamista.
'Why Amina and not me? ', the whole world asks in the face of this Islamic hypocrisy.
This is the second time we will adopt a resolution on behalf of Amina Lawal.
This is the second time we will adopt a resolution on behalf of Amina Lawal.
Señora Presidenta, acojo con satisfacción esta resolución común en favor de Amina Lawal Kurami.
Madam President, I welcome this joint resolution on behalf of Amina Lawal Kurami.
Asunto: Iniciativas de la UE para salvar a Amina Lawal de la muerte por lapidación
Subject: EU initiatives to save Amina Lawal from death by stoning
Me refiero a la dramática situación en la que se encuentra la ciudadana nigeriana Amina Lawal.
I am referring to the drama in which the Nigerian citizen Amina Lawal is embroiled.
Ahora Amina Lawal se enfrenta a la misma amenaza de muerte por tortura.
Now Amina Lawal faces the same threat of death by torture.
Sigue abierto, además, el caso de Amina Lawal, que ha sido condenada por el tribunal islámico de Bakori.
And the case of Amina Lawal, sentenced by the Islamic court in Bakori, is still pending.
El daño que ocasionaría a la vida de Amina es irreversible.
The harm it would do to the life of Amina is irreversible.
Perdieron su infancia y Amina puede perder ahora su vida.
They lost their childhood and Amina may now lose her life.
Decenas de miles de personas han escrito desde 110 países para apelar a la clemencia en el caso de Amina.
Tens of thousands of people have written from 110 countries to appeal for clemency in the Amina case.
Hemos seguido, créame, con indignada emoción los procesos incoados contra Amina Lawal y Safya Hussaini, acusadas de adulterio.
You fight for these people ’ s right to a fair trial, in accordance with the law.
Safiya se casó a los 12 años y Amina a los 14.
Safiya was married at 12 years old and Amina at 14 years old.
Amina Lawal.
Now we are faced with the drama of Mrs Lawal.
Amina Lawal en Nigeria;
B5-0472/2002 by Mrs Muscardini, on behalf of the UEN Group, on the case of Mrs Amina Lawal in Nigeria;
Como ya han mencionado varios miembros de esta Asamblea, la apelación de Amina Lawal se examinará el 25 de marzo.
As various Members of this House have already mentioned, Amina Lawal's appeal is due to be heard on 25 March.
Amina Lawal de la muerte por lapidación.
Doing everything in our power to save Amina Lawal from death by stoning is also one of Europe's duties.
Amina Lawal en Nigeria;
B5-0183/2003 by Mr Collins and Mrs Muscardini, on behalf of the UEN Group, on the case of Amina Lawal in Nigeria;
El caso de Amina Lawal es dramático y urgente porque, tras varios aplazamientos, la sentencia es inminente: el 25 de marzo.
The case of Amina Lawal is dramatic and urgent because, following several postponements, the sentence is imminent: 25 March.
Amina Lawal en Nigeria;
B5-0470/2002 by Mrs Gröner and others, on behalf of the PSE Group, on the death sentence of Mrs Amina Lawal in Nigeria;