
"Amazon rainforest" in Spanish

"Amazon rainforest" in Spanish

Similar translations for "Amazon rainforest" in Spanish
Context examples for "Amazon rainforest" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This agricultural area covered by forest vegetation amounts to double the area of the Amazon Rainforest.
Esta área agrícola cubierta por bosques constituye el doble del área de la selva amazónica.
Tropical forests have been felled en masse, along with the Amazon Rainforest - in other words, the desire for biofuels outweighs the desire for a reduction in world hunger.
Las selvas tropicales y el Amazonas han sufrido talas masivas, o dicho de otro modo, el deseo de conseguir biocarburantes supera al deseo de reducir el hambre en el mundo.
Max Planck research protects the Amazon rainforest Extensive inventory forms basis for legislation governing when trees in the Brazilian rainforests can be logged.
La investigación Max Planck protege el bosque del Amazonas Un extenso inventario sienta las bases para la legislación que gobierna cuando se pueden talar árboles en el bosque brasileño.