
"algorithm" in Spanish

"algorithm" in Spanish
algoritmo{m} [math.]
exactly how a decompression algorithm should restore every bit of a compressed video.
en la que el algoritmo de descompresión debe restaurar cada bit de un vídeo comprimido.
algorithm is applied to produce a video that shows virtually the same content as the original
aplica el algoritmo inverso y se crea un vídeo que incluye prácticamente el mismo contenido que
Language is a related issue, and a set algorithm could be used to solve this problem.
La lengua es una cuestión relacionada y se podría utilizar un algoritmo fijado para resolver este problema.

Synonyms (English) for "algorithm":
Context examples for "algorithm" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
asymmetric key algorithm
algoritmo de clave asimétrica
public key algorithm
algoritmo de clave pública
This is just one of many signals Google may use to determine a page’s relevance and ranking, and we’re constantly tweaking and improving our algorithm to improve overall search quality.
Este es uno de los múltiples indicadores que Google puede utilizar para determinar la clasificación y la relevancia de una página.