
"alegatos" in English

"alegatos" in English
{masculine plural}
{masculine plural}
Apenas creo que las amonestaciones y los alegatos puedan hacer algo en favor de la paz.
I very much doubt whether anything at all will be achieved by admonishments and pleadings.

Context examples for "alegatos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Apenas creo que las amonestaciones y los alegatos puedan hacer algo en favor de la paz.
I very much doubt whether anything at all will be achieved by admonishments and pleadings.
Ya se ha señalado nuestra falta de coherencia y me sumo a los alegatos al respecto.
Our lack of coherence has already been pointed out and I add my voice to those calling for coherence.
El señor Gollnisch podrá presentar sus alegatos.
Mr Gollnisch will be able to present his defence.
Es la política clientelista de Norteamérica -nuevos alegatos en réplica por intereses sectoriales- introducida en el Parlamento Europeo.
It is American pork-barrel politics - special pleading for sectoral interests - brought into the European Parliament.
Los alegatos de los representantes políticos del capital sobre el denominado reglamento de los mercados, a fin de prevenir otra crisis, son otra mentira.
The allegations by the political representatives of capital about so-called regulation of the markets, in order to prevent another crisis, are yet another lie.
Tampoco comprendo muy bien los alegatos a favor de que los productos ofrecidos por vía electrónica sean tratados del mismo modo que los productos tradicionales.
Neither do I really understand the argument that products that are supplied electronically should be treated in just the same way as traditional products.
No podemos apoyar enmiendas basadas en fuentes que no se pueden confirmar -y a menudo absurdas- alegatos, como hemos oído decir al señor Evans, o citas selectivas de un informe de una ONG.
We cannot support amendments based on unattributable - and often nonsensical - allegations, as we have heard from Mr Evans, or selective quotation from one NGO report.
Es un trato discriminatorio y pido con toda firmeza a la Comisión y al Presidente que se opongan a ella presentando alegatos ante el Gobierno español antes de la fecha de extradición.
It is discrimination which I call most strongly on the Commission and the President to oppose by making representations to the Spanish Government before the extradition deadline.
Ahora, si me permite, señora Presidenta, voy a contestar a los alegatos formulados por mi colega el Sr.
Now, if you will allow me, Madam President, I am going to answer the allegations made by Mr Poettering who, with his usual elegance, has launched a torrent of abuse at the Socialist Group.