
"agresivamente" in English

"agresivamente" in English
agresiva{adjective feminine}
Se han dado a conocer además pruebas fotográficas de que la policía actuó agresivamente contra los manifestantes.
Photographic evidence of police behaving aggressively towards the protestors has also been published.
Si Georgia está sufriendo provocaciones, es fundamental que no caiga en la trampa de reaccionar agresivamente.
If Georgia is being provoked, it is essential that it does not fall into the trap of reacting aggressively.
Los grandes negocios han penetrado agresivamente en sectores que pertenecen al estado, naturalmente con el consentimiento de éste.
Big business has aggressively penetrated sectors which belong to the state, with the state's blessing naturally.
agresiva{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "agresivamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
sus documentales suelen ser agresivamente polémicos
in her documentaries she tends to sail rather close to the wind
Pisotea los derechos humanos y reprime agresivamente la libertad de manifestación y la libertad de opinión.
Human rights are trampled underfoot and freedom of expression and the freedom to demonstrate are countered with aggression.
adelantar agresivamente volviendo al carril demasiado cerca del coche adelantado
to cut up