
"admisible" in English

"admisible" in English
admisible{adjective masculine/feminine}
admisible{adjective masculine/feminine}
Más aún, ¿es admisible que no se informase a las víctimas siquiera de sus derechos?
Moreover, is it acceptable that the victims were not even informed of their rights?
Este acuerdo es admisible porque respeta tres principios esenciales:
This agreement is acceptable because it respects the following three key principles:
Superan con creces la frontera de lo que consideramos admisible en esta Cámara.
They go far beyond what we would regard as acceptable in this House.
En efecto, usted no ha cambiado su política sobre lo que es admisible y lo que no.
You certainly have not changed your policy on what is admissible and what is not.
El Presidente ha pretendido decir que ahora declara admisible esta enmienda.
The President meant to say that he now declares this amendment admissible.
Señor Presidente, le pediría específicamente que declare admisible la enmienda 15.
Mr President, I would ask you specifically to declare Amendment 15 admissible.

Context examples for "admisible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Le rogaría que comprobase si esto es admisible según las normas del Reglamento.
I would ask you to check whether this is permissible under the Rules of Procedure.
No es admisible que los Comisarios den cabida a sus propias convicciones políticas.
It cannot be the case that Commissioners ' own political convictions hold sway.
No es admisible que los Comisarios den cabida a sus propias convicciones políticas.
It cannot be the case that Commissioners' own political convictions hold sway.
Zorba convenga en que se trata de una aclaración admisible.
I trust that Mrs Zorba will accept that this is a sensible clarification.
Este resultado no es admisible en Europa y tampoco lo sería en el mundo.
That is not sellable across Europe; it should not be sellable across the world.
Señor Fabre-Aubrespy, consideré esta enmienda no admisible por dos razones.
Mr Fabre-Aubrespy, I consider your amendment out of order for two reasons.
La pregunta nº 1 no es admisible (anexo II, parte A, apartado 2 del Reglamento del PE).
Question No 1 is inadmissible (Annex II, Part A, paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure).
La pregunta nº 31 no es admisible (anexo II, parte A, apartado 2 del Reglamento del PE).
Question No 31 is inadmissible (Annex II, Part A, paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure).
No es admisible que solamente prestemos atención al pueblo tibetano cuando nos parece oportuno.
Surely we cannot offer the Tibetan population attention only when it suits us?
Tampoco es admisible en el ámbito de la Unión Económica y Monetaria.
Nor is it to be tolerated with regard to Economic and Monetary Union; on the contrary!
Creo que este planteamiento tiene un cierto tufo a colonialismo que ya no resulta admisible.
Such an approach smacks of a colonialism that no longer seems to me to be appropriate.
La comisión competente, establecerá si la petición es admisible o no.
The committee responsible must establish the admissibility or otherwise of the petition.
Yo valoro mucho sus contribuciones pero hoy su pregunta ha sido declarada no admisible.
I very much value your contributions but today your question has been declared inadmissible.
El espionaje económico no es, desde luego, un objetivo admisible.
Industrial espionage is certainly not a legitimate reason for intercepting communications.
En primer lugar, no es admisible que las fuerzas militares continúen dominando el espacio aéreo europeo.
Firstly, the military cannot be allowed to continue to dominate European airspace.
Esta tentativa desesperada de utilizar la traducción para modificar el fondo no es admisible.
This desperate attempt to use translations as a means of altering substance must not succeed.
Por supuesto, si nos planteamos en serio la conservación, tenemos que fijar un total admisible de capturas.
Of course, if we are serious about conservation, we need total allowable catches.
No es admisible que se privaticen los beneficios y se socialicen las pérdidas.
It will not do for the profits to be absorbed by the private sector and the losses to be borne by society.
Tampoco es admisible que una institución pública posea el copyright de documentos públicos.
Neither can we tolerate a situation in which a public body holds the copyright to public documents.
Ruego que se verifique si resulta admisible esta solicitud.
I would ask that it be checked whether this proposal is at all legal.