
"ADM" in English

"ADM" in English
WMD{noun} (Weapons of Mass Destruction)
Siempre que se han utilizado ADM, han llevado el sello del imperialismo.
When and whenever WMD have been used, they have always had the identity of imperialism.
En círculos criminales y terroristas existe un creciente interés por las ADM y sus componentes.
Among criminal and terrorist circles, there is a growing interest in WMD and their constituents.
En el pasado y ahora, las ADM se han utilizado siempre para someter a los ciudadanos a regímenes imperialistas.
In earlier and in modern times, WMD have always been used to subjugate peoples to imperialist rule.

Context examples for "ADM" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se concentran en manos de tres empresas: Cargill, ADM y Bunch.
They are concentrated in the hands of three enterprises: Cargill, ADM and Bunch.
Siempre que se han utilizado ADM, han llevado el sello del imperialismo.
This is the historic truth that the motions for resolutions by the European Parliament try to conceal.
Capítulo IV 1 Flp 2,8. 2 Adm 20,2. 3 Cf.
CHAPTER IV 1 Phil 2,8. 2 Adm 20,2. 3 Cf.