
"acreditativo" in English

"acreditativo" in English
acreditativo{adjective masculine}
acreditativo{adjective masculine}
supporting{adj.} (document)

Context examples for "acreditativo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
presentó el recibo acreditativo de haber efectuado el pago
he presented the receipt that proved he had paid
Este documento acreditativo de los derechos de conducción deberá llevar una foto e integrar la protección antifraude más evolucionada posible.
It is true that the Commission did not originally propose replacing all the licences already in circulation.
Este documento acreditativo de los derechos de conducción deberá llevar una foto e integrar la protección antifraude más evolucionada posible.
This document in evidence of rights to drive will have to include a recent photograph and incorporate the most advanced possible anti-fraud protection.
Para solicitarlo tendrás que presentar un documento acreditativo de que has vivido en el país cinco años (puede servir un certificado de registro válido expedido en el momento de tu llegada).
To get one, you must submit proof you have been living in the country for 5 years – for example a valid registration certificate issued when you arrived.