
"acaloradamente" in English

"acaloradamente" in English
heatedly{adv.} (debate, discuss)
heatedly{adv.} (reply, expostulate)
hotly{adv.} (debated)

Context examples for "acaloradamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hasta este momento, se ha debatido muy acaloradamente sobre esta cuestión en el Consejo.
So far, it has been a very heated debate in the Council.
estaban discutiendo acaloradamente
they were furiously remonstrating with each other
Estoy seguro de que tendremos ocasión de debatir acaloradamente sobre algunos de estos problemas tan importantes en otras ocasiones.
I am sure we will be able to lock horns about some of those extremely important issues on other occasions.
Tuve la oportunidad de discutir este punto bastante acaloradamente - he de decir - con la Comisión de Medio Ambiente no hace mucho tiempo.
I had the opportunity to discuss this not so very long ago, in a very lively fashion, I might add, with the Committee on the Environment.
Se trataba de una propuesta técnicamente compleja, y en ocasiones hemos discutido acaloradamente sobre lo que era mejor para el medio ambiente.
It was a technically complex proposal, and the discussion sometimes became quite heated on the question of what exactly was best for the environment.
Cuando tuvimos que decidir una zona de libre comercio, las personalidades de esta calaña siempre rechazaron acaloradamente dicha alternativa.
It is unfortunate that in some new Member States, leading personalities do not, for demagogic reasons, distinguish between the roles of Brussels and of Soviet Moscow.
Mucho se ha debatido –acaloradamente, todo hay que decirlo– en esta Cámara sobre la forma en que Rumanía trata a los niños y jóvenes discapacitados más vulnerables.
There has been a lot of debate – indeed, dispute – in this House about how Romania is caring for its most vulnerable children and young adults with handicaps.
Mucho se ha debatido – acaloradamente, todo hay que decirlo– en esta Cámara sobre la forma en que Rumanía trata a los niños y jóvenes discapacitados más vulnerables.
There has been a lot of debate – indeed, dispute – in this House about how Romania is caring for its most vulnerable children and young adults with handicaps.
Mientras se mantenía este debate en Europa, los medios en Irán también estaban debatiendo acaloradamente sobre el empleo de la opción militar contra el controvertido proyecto nuclear de Teherán.
While this debate was going on in Europe, the media in Iran was also intensively discussing the military option against Tehran's controversial nuclear project.