
"absenteeism" in Spanish

The consequences of influenza in children and adults are mainly absenteeism from school and work.
Las consecuencias principales de la gripe en niños y adultos son el absentismo escolar y laboral.
Has it occurred to you to ask, for example, what the cost of absenteeism is in Europe?
¿Se les ha ocurrido pedir, por ejemplo, el coste del absentismo laboral en Europa?
Otherwise we might be encouraging absenteeism.
Al contrario, podríamos fomentar el absentismo.
the firm comes down severely on absenteeism
la empresa trata el ausentismo con mano dura
It is a major cause of visits to a doctor in Western countries and of absenteeism from work and school.
Es una causa principal de visitas al médico en los países occidentales y de ausentismo al trabajo y a la escuela.
absenteeism{noun} [idiom]
The consequences of influenza in children and adults are mainly absenteeism from school and work.
Las consecuencias principales de la gripe en niños y adultos son el absentismo escolar y laboral.
The common cold is one of the most widespread illnesses and is a leading cause of visits to the doctor and absenteeism from school and work.
El resfriado común es una de las enfermedades más difundidas, y es una causa principal de consultas médicas y absentismo escolar y laboral.
When supplemented for at least five months, it reduces cold incidence, school absenteeism and prescription of antibiotics in children.
Cuando se administra durante al menos cinco meses, reduce la incidencia del resfriado, el absentismo escolar y la prescripción de antibióticos en los niños.

Context examples for "absenteeism" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Considered trivial, it causes no complications but leads to significant work absenteeism due to discomfort caused by its symptoms.The disease is diagnosed by the symptoms.
No existen pruebas suficientes para indicar si la inhalación de vapor mejora o exacerba la congestión nasal del resfriado
Danish studies have shown that, by halving the maximum value from 2 to 1 mg, it is possible to save considerable amounts on the cost of hospitals, absenteeism and early retirement.
Investigaciones danesas demuestran que reduciendo el valor límite de 2 mg a 1 mg se ahorran grandes sumas, por ejemplo, en gastos de hospitalización, bajas por enfermedad y jubilaciones anticipadas.