
"vulture" in Spanish

"vulture" in Spanish
tiñosa{f} [zool.] [Cuba]
buitre{m} [ornith.]
However, the directive will seriously limit the scope for vulture-like funds to divide up companies.
Sin embargo, la Directiva limitará severamente el ámbito de los fondos tipo buitre para dividir sociedades.
The ‘vulture fund’ Donegal International has won a partial victory in its court case against the Government of Zambia.
El ‘fondo buitre’ Donegal International ha obtenido una victoria parcial en su juicio contra el Gobierno de Zambia.
Like a vulture, this all-out assault on the human body seeks out regions of human poverty, and places where the State’s authority is weak.
Al igual que un buitre, este asalto general al cuerpo humano busca regiones de pobreza humana y lugares en que la autoridad del Estado es débil.
abanto{m} [ornith.]

Synonyms (English) for "vulture":
Context examples for "vulture" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The report also touches briefly on the problem of so-called 'vulture funds', which I believe should be completely banned.
El informe también se refiere brevemente al problema de los denominados "fondos oportunistas", que, en mi opinión, deberían prohibirse totalmente.