
"uva" in English

"uva" in English
"uva" in Spanish
Vinos de uva; mosto de uva & amp; #x00AB; apagado & amp; #x00BB; con alcohol (incluidas las mistelas)
Wine of fresh grapes; grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcohol
Este vino espumoso artificial no ha visto una uva en su vida.
This imitation sparkling wine has never seen a grape.
El vino es un producto de la uva, no de la remolacha.
Wine is a grape product, not a sugar beet product.
UVA radiation results in skin ageing and interferes with the immune system and there is now a UVA logo to indicate the required UVA protection, based on a standardised testing method.
Los rayos UVA provocan el envejecimiento de la piel y afectan al sistema inmunitario.

Context examples for "uva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Además, Grecia es el único Estado miembro que produce y exporta uva pasa.
And, Greece is the only Member State which produces and exports raisins.
Elija uno que le proteja tanto contra la radiación UVA como contra la UVB.
Choose something that protects against both UVB and UVA radiation.
Nuestro objetivo debe ser reducir los vinos de mesa e impedir la importación de mosto de uva de terceros países.
Our aim must be to achieve a decrease in the production of table wine and to prevent the importation of must from non-EU countries.
Los rayos UVA provocan el envejecimiento de la piel y afectan al sistema inmunitario.
UVA radiation results in skin ageing and interferes with the immune system and there is now a UVA logo to indicate the required UVA protection, based on a standardised testing method.
chicha de uva
alchoholic drink made from grape juice
¿a cómo está la uva?
how much are the grapes?
puro zumo de uva
pure grape juice
fresco como una uva
right as rain
jugo de uva
grape juice
zumo de uva
grape juice
El acuerdo supondrá una mejor protección para los consumidores europeos cuando los nanomateriales sean usados en tintes para cabello, filtros para rayos UVA y otros productos.
The agreement will entail better protection for European consumers when nanomaterials are used in hair dyes, UV filters and so on.