
"undifferentiated" in Spanish

"undifferentiated" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "undifferentiated":
Context examples for "undifferentiated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I am opposed to undifferentiated uniformity and bureaucratic centralism.
Me opongo a una uniformidad sin diferencias y al centralismo burocrático.
The prisoners of Guantánamo cannot be dealt with as if they were an undifferentiated herd.
No se puede tratar a los prisioneros de Guantánamo como si fueran un rebaño indefinido.
It is a question of whether or not we want an undifferentiated monetary union, or a monetary union which recognizes national identities.
Se trata de saber si se quiere una Unión Monetaria sin diferenciación, o una Unión Monetaria que reconozca las identidades nacionales.
Beware, ladies and gentlemen: as representatives of the undifferentiated citizens of the European Union, you are soon to become stateless Members.
Tengan cuidado, Señorías: como representantes de los ciudadanos sin diferenciar de las Unión Europea, pronto se convertirán en miembros sin estado.
The report is unbalanced, contradictory and undifferentiated, and accordingly totally undermines the battle against discrimination against women.
El informe es parcial, contradictorio y no establece distinciones, con lo cual, como resultado, redunda en menoscabo de la lucha general contra la discriminación de las mujeres.
If they had looked more closely at the different kinds of problems facing farmers in the various regions of Europe, I feel sure that this undifferentiated approach would never have occurred to them.
Si se hubiesen ocupado más detalladamente de los problemas de los agricultores en las regiones europeas, no se habría producido sin duda esta propuesta indiscriminada.
By invoking this principle willy-nilly, there is a risk of ending up with products which are all produced in the same way and are so hygienic, odourless and tasteless as to be undifferentiated.
Invocando este principio a diestro y siniestro se corre el peligro de desembocar en el " todo higiénico ", en el " todo inodoro " y sin sabor y en la uniformización de las producciones.