
"undefinable" in Spanish

"undefinable" in Spanish
Even without considering human effects on ecosystems, there is no simply definable, baseline; the natural state is a moving target.
Incluso sin la consideración de los efectos humanos sobre los ecosistemas, no existe simplemente una línea de fondo definible; el estado natural es un blanco móvil.
We are talking about costs such as congestion, accidents and certain environmental costs, which are clearly definable and quantifiable.
Estamos hablando de costes como la congestión, los accidentes o algunos costes medioambientales evidentemente definibles y cuantificables.

Context examples for "undefinable" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
undefinable gap, and proof of this is the fact that I experience a continuous need to weigh them, to explain them, and to account for them to myself".14
que soy hecho, un hiato indefinible, y la prueba, es lo que yo pruebo sin cesar en la necesidad de pesarlos, de explicarlos, de dar cuenta de ellos a mi mismo"14.