
"Tyrolean" in Spanish

"Tyrolean" in Spanish
As far as my friend Mr Santini's report is concerned I have to say that Mr Santini is more Tyrolean than Italian.
Por lo que se refiere al informe de mi amigo Santini, debo decir que mi amigo Santini es más tirolés que italiano.
You should be aware that Mr Fischler is a Tyrolean farmer: he goes where he sees fit to go and when he is there he says what he sees fit to say!
Sepa usted que el Comisario Fischler es un campesino tirolés, y va adonde considera oportuno y afirma allí lo que cree conveniente.
You should be aware that Mr Fischler is a Tyrolean farmer: he goes where he sees fit to go and when he is there he says what he sees fit to say!
Sepa usted que el Comisario Fischler es un campesino tirolés , y va adonde considera oportuno y afirma allí lo que cree conveniente.
Worse still, fattened animals are transported across Europe under deplorable conditions in order to produce so-called 'Tyrolean bacon', for example.
Y lo que es peor, los animales cebados se transportan por Europa en condiciones deplorables a fin de producir la llamada "Tiroler Speck" (panceta tirolesa), por ejemplo.
As far as my friend Mr Santini's report is concerned I have to say that Mr Santini is more Tyrolean than Italian.
Por lo que se refiere al informe de mi amigo Santini, debo decir que mi amigo Santini es más tirolés que italiano.
You should be aware that Mr Fischler is a Tyrolean farmer: he goes where he sees fit to go and when he is there he says what he sees fit to say!
Sepa usted que el Comisario Fischler es un campesino tirolés, y va adonde considera oportuno y afirma allí lo que cree conveniente.
You should be aware that Mr Fischler is a Tyrolean farmer: he goes where he sees fit to go and when he is there he says what he sees fit to say!
Sepa usted que el Comisario Fischler es un campesino tirolés , y va adonde considera oportuno y afirma allí lo que cree conveniente.

Synonyms (English) for "Tyrolean":