
"turtle" in Spanish

Sea Turtle Herpes Tumors Linked to Sewage?
¿Los tumores causados por un herpes en la tortuga marina están relacionados con aguas residuales?
Regarding the African elephant and the hawksbill turtle, the European Commission gives priority to the blood trade with Japan.
Para el elefante africano y la tortuga de carey, la Comisión Europea da preferencia al comercio sangriento con Japón.
Each game begins with 144 tiles, arranged into six different layouts: Turtle, Dragon, Cat, Fortress, Crab, and Spider.
Cada partida empieza con 144 fichas, distribuidas de seis formas distintas: tortuga, dragón, gato, fortaleza, cangrejo y araña.
camagua{f} [Mex.] (tortuga)
charapa{m} [Peru] (tortuga)
icotea{f} [Mex.]
jicotea{f} [Mex.]
Sea Turtle Herpes Tumors Linked to Sewage?
¿Los tumores causados por un herpes en la tortuga marina están relacionados con aguas residuales?
galápago{m} [zool.] (de agua dulce)
galápago{m} [zool.] (marino)

Synonyms (English) for "turtle":
Context examples for "turtle" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The various issues will be discussed, including that of the Maltese continuing to allow hunting of turtle doves and quails during the spring period.
Entre los diversos asuntos a tratar estará el hecho de que Malta sigue permitiendo cazar tórtolas y codornices durante la primavera.
MRF, an IUCN Member, now serves as a base from which Nick addresses turtle conservation at various levels, and with an ever-growing diversity of people.
The aim being to enhance international cooperation and to advance the quality, innovation and European dimension of protected area management.
In 2004, the Maltese Government decided to exercise the right to apply a derogation for hunting quail and turtle doves during their spring migration.
En 2004, el Gobierno maltés decidió ejercer el derecho a aplicar una excepción para la caza de codorniz y tórtola durante su migración primaveral.
MRF, an IUCN Member, now serves as a base from which Nick addresses turtle conservation at various levels, and with an ever-growing diversity of people.
CADA gorila es importante para la supervivencia de las especies, por lo que estos hurfanos sern devueltos a la selva en cuanto que hayan aprendido a vivir como un grupo.