
"tortuga" in English

"tortuga" in English
Trabaja al ritmo de una tortuga y queremos que se actúe ya.
It works at the pace of a tortoise, and we want action now.
Hizo bien en elegir la tortuga, que expresa la perseverancia, como símbolo durante la Convención.
You were right to choose the tortoise, representing perseverance, as a symbol during the Convention.
Menos mal que eligió una tortuga de jade.
Having a tortoise made of jade was felicitous.
¿Los tumores causados por un herpes en la tortuga marina están relacionados con aguas residuales?
Sea Turtle Herpes Tumors Linked to Sewage?
Para el elefante africano y la tortuga de carey, la Comisión Europea da preferencia al comercio sangriento con Japón.
Regarding the African elephant and the hawksbill turtle, the European Commission gives priority to the blood trade with Japan.
Cada partida empieza con 144 fichas, distribuidas de seis formas distintas: tortuga, dragón, gato, fortaleza, cangrejo y araña.
Each game begins with 144 tiles, arranged into six different layouts: Turtle, Dragon, Cat, Fortress, Crab, and Spider.
diamondback{noun} (turtle)
slowcoach{noun} [Brit.] [coll.]
slowpoke{noun} [Amer.] [coll.]
bap{noun} [Brit.]

Synonyms (Spanish) for "tortuga":
Context examples for "tortuga" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Especialmente, quisiera poner como ejemplo, que usted también ha referido, la tortuga Careta-careta.
I should like in particular to take the example which you too referred to of the caretta caretta.
Señor Presidente, finalmente estamos progresando, sin duda a paso de tortuga, pero progresando.
Mr President, we are finally making progress – at an absolute snail’ s pace, but we are making progress.
Señor Presidente, finalmente estamos progresando, sin duda a paso de tortuga, pero progresando.
MrPresident, we are finally making progress – at an absolute snail’s pace, but we are making progress.
Sin embargo, todavía seguimos avanzando a paso de tortuga.
However, we are still only progressing at a snail's pace.
Como ven, estamos progresando a paso de tortuga.
As you can see, then, we are progressing at a snail's pace.
No creo que si el Presidente Sarkozy presidiera aún el Consejo Europeo, siguiéramos avanzando a paso de tortuga.
I cannot believe that, if President Sarkozy were still President of the European Council, we would still be going at the snail's pace we are going at.
¿Hay alguien en esta Cámara que crea de verdad que si Jacques Delors fuera Presidente de la Comisión, estaríamos avanzando a paso de tortuga?
Does anybody in this House really believe that, if Jacques Delors were President of the Commission, we would be going at this snail's pace?
ir a paso de tortuga
to go at a crawl
ir a paso de tortuga
to poke along
Al parecer existía al comienzo de la semana un enorme interés por que habláramos de este asunto, pero hoy hemos avanzado a paso de tortuga.
It seems that at the beginning of the week there was a great deal of concern that we speak about this issue and we have been going at a snail's pace today.
El informe del PNUD para el año 2002 nos recuerda que si el proceso avanza al paso de tortuga actual, nos llevará 130 años abolir el hambre en el mundo.
The UNDP report for 2002 reminds us that if the process continues at the present snail's pace, it will take more than 130 years to abolish hunger.
En primer lugar, es un escándalo que los resultados de la Comisión de Investigación para el procedimiento de tránsito se apliquen a la velocidad de tortuga actual.
Firstly, it is a scandal that the results of the Committee of Inquiry into the transit system are being implemented at such a snail's pace.
Es doloroso comprobar que la Comisión sigue mostrando mucha paciencia en relación con la aplicación en los Estados miembros, que continúa avanzando a paso de tortuga.
It is painful to see that the Commission is still showing a great deal of patience in relation to implementation in the Member States, which continues to proceed at snail's pace.
Para hacerlo, el Consejo necesitará desarrollar y aplicar nuevos métodos de trabajo más eficaces, a fin de que la Unión de los 25 no avance a paso de tortuga.
In so doing, the Council itself will need to develop and apply new and effective working methods. This is necessary so as to ensure that the progress of the Union of 25 is not at a snail’s pace.