
"symmetrical" in Spanish

"symmetrical" in Spanish
simétrico{adj. m}
Symmetrical peripheral neuropathy is a common complication of diabetic neuropathy.
La neuropatía periférica simétrica es una complicación frecuente de la neuropatía diabética.
A strategic partnership, however, can only be built on the basis of a symmetrical dialogue between equals.
Pero una asociación estratégica sólo puede construirse sobre la base de un diálogo simétrico entre iguales.
I believe that democracy must be symmetrical.
Creo que la democracia debe ser simétrica.

Synonyms (English) for "symmetrical":
Context examples for "symmetrical" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
symmetrical number pattern
patrón simétrico de números
I am in favour of abolishing quotas, but with a parallel obligation to undertake symmetrical obligations with regard to duty-related and technical barriers.
Estoy a favor del establecimiento inmediato de la zona comercial euromediterránea sobre la base del principio de reciprocidad.
But whoever takes disbelief in exchange for faith has erred from the Level Way (sawaa = even, smooth, symmetrical, proportionate, righteous, balanced, appropriate, relevant).
Quien elige rechazar [la evidencia de] la verdad, en lugar de creer en ella, se ha extraviado ya del camino recto.
A more symmetrical approach to fiscal policy is needed through budgetary discipline during good times so as gradually to achieve budgetary surpluses when the upswing comes.
En segundo lugar, deberemos recurrir al control y el apoyo horizontales en una fase temprana de las desviaciones presupuestarias, en lugar de esperar a que un país incumpla la norma del 3 %.