
"stubble" in Spanish

"stubble" in Spanish
barba{f} (de quien se la afeita)
he showed up with two days' growth of stubble
llegó con barba de dos días
he had three days' stubble on his chin
tenía una barba de tres días
you could see his stubble
se le notaban los cañoncitos de la barba
rastrojo{m} [agr.]
Then turns it to dusky stubble!
y después lo convierte en un rastrojo pardusco!

Synonyms (English) for "stubble":
Context examples for "stubble" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Then turns it to dusky stubble!
y después lo convierte en un rastrojo pardusco!
he had three days' stubble on his chin
hacía tres días que no se afeitaba
he showed up with two days' growth of stubble
llegó con barba de dos días
he had three days' stubble on his chin
tenía una barba de tres días
you could see his stubble
se le notaban los cañoncitos de la barba
Surely We sent upon them a single Shout (or Blast), so they became like the dry stubble which the maker of an enclosure collects.
En verdad, descargamos sobre ellos un solo estampido [de Nuestro castigo], y quedaron como el ramaje seco y pisoteado de un redil.