
"squid" in Spanish

"squid" in Spanish
squid cooked in their ink
chipirones en su tinta
raba{f} [Arg.]
The UK is to benefit from increased squid quota around South Georgia.
El Reino Unido se beneficiará del aumento de la cuota del calamar alrededor de Georgia del Sur.
the squid is related to the octopus
el calamar y el pulpo pertenecen a una misma familia
Monsters, dragons, and magical creatures: Including but not limited to pixies, gnomes, dryads, zombies, dragons, giant squid, werewolves, and aliens.
Monstruos, dragones y criaturas mágicas: incluidos, entre otros, duendes, gnomos, dríades, zombis, dragones, calamares gigantes, hombres loboy alienígenas.

Synonyms (English) for "squid":
Context examples for "squid" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the squid is related to the octopus
el calamar y el pulpo pertenecen a una misma familia
squid rings fried in batter
calamares a la romana
squid cooked in their ink
chipirones en su tinta
squid cooked in their ink
calamares en su tinta
squid fried in batter
calamares a la romana
squid in ink
calamares en su tinta
fried squid
calamares a la romana
The Swedish Social Democrats strongly object to the rapporteur's proposal that the subsidy granted to squid suppliers in the Canaries should not have a time limit imposed upon it.
El grupo de los socialdemócratas suecos está en contra de la propuesta del ponente de no poner plazos a la ayuda a los productores canarios de cefalópodos.