
"spontaneity" in Spanish

"spontaneity" in Spanish
loses its depth, spontaneity and poetry.
así, a trozos, pierde hondura, espontaneidad y poesía.
Thus a love given "in bits" loses its depth, spontaneity and poetry.
Un amor así, a trozos, pierde hondura, espontaneidad y poesía.
the princess's natural manner and spontaneity
la naturalidad y espontaneidad de la princesa

Synonyms (English) for "spontaneity":
Context examples for "spontaneity" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
and that what is definitive and indissoluble ruins love's spontaneity and
tumba del amor y que lo definitivo, su indisolubilidad, robe al amor su
the princess's natural manner and spontaneity
la naturalidad y espontaneidad de la princesa
Businesses which act more quickly and with greater spontaneity than is required under the law should also receive appropriate concessions.
Las empresas que antes y de forma espontánea, es decir, antes de que la ley lo exija, hagan algo en esta dirección deberían recibir apoyo.
The people of Toulouse have been touched by the number and by the spontaneity of the messages that they have received from France and the European Union, from the Parliament and the Commission.
Las numerosas y espontáneas manifestaciones procedentes de Francia y de la Unión Europea, del Parlamento y de la Comisión, han conmovido a los habitantes de Toulouse.