
"snail" in Spanish

"snail" in Spanish
We have moved forward at a snail's pace.
Hemos avanzado a paso de caracol.
I am also deeply concerned about the snail's pace at which OLAF worked in investigating this whole sorry matter.
También estoy profundamente preocupado por el ritmo de caracol con que procedió la OLAF para investigar todo este lamentable asunto.
the snail withdraws into its shell
el caracol se retrae en su concha

Synonyms (English) for "snail":
Context examples for "snail" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is also the reason for the snail's pace at which traffic normally moves in the rush hour.
Esta es la causa de una velocidad media muy baja en las horas punta.
Mr President, we are finally making progress – at an absolute snail’ s pace, but we are making progress.
Señor Presidente, finalmente estamos progresando, sin duda a paso de tortuga, pero progresando.
MrPresident, we are finally making progress – at an absolute snail’s pace, but we are making progress.
Señor Presidente, finalmente estamos progresando, sin duda a paso de tortuga, pero progresando.
However, we are still only progressing at a snail's pace.
Sin embargo, todavía seguimos avanzando a paso de tortuga.
As you can see, then, we are progressing at a snail's pace.
Como ven, estamos progresando a paso de tortuga.
This is necessary so as to ensure that the progress of the Union of 25 is not at a snail’ s pace.
En el mismo espíritu, el Consejo necesita aprobar el nuevo estatuto del Parlamento Europeo en lugar de entorpecer su adopción.
the snail withdraws into its shell
el caracol se retrae en su concha
Parliament's snail-like pace is in stark contrast to the rapid and irreversible progress of the information society.
Señora Presidenta, la lentitud del Parlamento contrasta violentamente con el desarrollo rápido e irreversible de la sociedad de la información.
I cannot believe that, if President Sarkozy were still President of the European Council, we would still be going at the snail's pace we are going at.
No creo que si el Presidente Sarkozy presidiera aún el Consejo Europeo, siguiéramos avanzando a paso de tortuga.
Does anybody in this House really believe that, if Jacques Delors were President of the Commission, we would be going at this snail's pace?
¿Hay alguien en esta Cámara que crea de verdad que si Jacques Delors fuera Presidente de la Comisión, estaríamos avanzando a paso de tortuga?
It has trailed snail-like behind the Council, only to now place before us as a proposal something that follows the Council's agreement to the letter.
Sigue como un perro faldero al Consejo para ponernos sobre la mesa ahora como propuesta el acuerdo adoptado por aquél de modo literal.
It has trailed snail-like behind the Council, only to now place before us as a proposal something that follows the Council' s agreement to the letter.
Sigue como un perro faldero al Consejo para ponernos sobre la mesa ahora como propuesta el acuerdo adoptado por aquél de modo literal.
They clearly have to make some effort so that they are no longer described as snail mail even if they cannot attain the speed of email.
Evidentemente, deben realizar un esfuerzo para que no se las califique de snail mail, aun cuando no puedan alcanzar la velocidad del correo electrónico.
It seems that at the beginning of the week there was a great deal of concern that we speak about this issue and we have been going at a snail's pace today.
Al parecer existía al comienzo de la semana un enorme interés por que habláramos de este asunto, pero hoy hemos avanzado a paso de tortuga.
The UNDP report for 2002 reminds us that if the process continues at the present snail's pace, it will take more than 130 years to abolish hunger.
El informe del PNUD para el año 2002 nos recuerda que si el proceso avanza al paso de tortuga actual, nos llevará 130 años abolir el hambre en el mundo.
Firstly, it is a scandal that the results of the Committee of Inquiry into the transit system are being implemented at such a snail's pace.
En primer lugar, es un escándalo que los resultados de la Comisión de Investigación para el procedimiento de tránsito se apliquen a la velocidad de tortuga actual.
It is painful to see that the Commission is still showing a great deal of patience in relation to implementation in the Member States, which continues to proceed at snail's pace.
Es doloroso comprobar que la Comisión sigue mostrando mucha paciencia en relación con la aplicación en los Estados miembros, que continúa avanzando a paso de tortuga.
This is necessary so as to ensure that the progress of the Union of 25 is not at a snail’s pace.
Para hacerlo, el Consejo necesitará desarrollar y aplicar nuevos métodos de trabajo más eficaces, a fin de que la Unión de los 25 no avance a paso de tortuga.
Accidents are also caused by drivers crawling along at a snail's pace on motorways and in some cases they could be avoided by having a minimum as well as a maximum speed limit.
También causan accidentes los conductores que avanzan pisando huevos por las autopistas y en algunos casos se podría evitar imponiendo un límite mínimo de velocidad, además del máximo.
I have been contacted by numerous people in the West Midlands who have expressed their concerns about this moving at a snail's pace and the need to address that, especially in some rural areas.
Mucha gente de West Midlands se ha puesto en contacto conmigo para expresarme su preocupación por esta lentitud y la necesidad de tomar medidas, especialmente en algunas zonas rurales.