
"simbólicamente" in English

"simbólicamente" in English
Este simple hecho ilustra simbólicamente el tipo de régimen allí vigente.
This simple fact is symbolically illustrative of the type of regime in force there.
La Presidencia checa tuvo dos caras y simbólicamente ha tenido dos primeros ministros.
The Czech Presidency had two faces and symbolically it had two premiers.
Eso es muy importante tanto simbólicamente, como en la práctica.
That is very important both symbolically and in practice.

Context examples for "simbólicamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La modificación se mostrará simbólicamente en la ventana de previsualización.
You can view the modification in the preview field.
Esta mañana hemos entregado simbólicamente al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo un llamamiento a favor de una prensa libre en el espacio euromediterráneo.
Madam President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, congratulations to Mrs Jäätteenmäki on her analysis.
Esta mañana hemos entregado simbólicamente al Presidente del Parlamento Europeo un llamamiento a favor de una prensa libre en el espacio euromediterráneo.
This morning, we submitted a symbolic appeal to the President of the European Parliament, calling for a free press in the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Entiendo a aquellos que desean votar simbólicamente contra la Directiva Bolkenstein por motivos de índole nacional.
The result of the discriminatory restrictions affecting the cross-border flow of services is that small and medium-sized enterprises are missing opportunities to develop and create jobs.
Estamos pasando de un siglo a otro, quizá esto no tenga mucha significación, pero, simbólicamente, para los que vivimos esta experiencia, sí la tiene.
The fact that we are moving from one century to the next is perhaps in itself not of great significance, but it is certainly of symbolic significance to those of us experiencing it.
El acuerdo mundial sobre los derechos humanos aún no ha entrado en vigor en Guatemala, y las víctimas del genocidio no han sido compensadas, ni material ni simbólicamente.
The Global Agreement on Human Rights has still not yet been put into effect in Guatemala, and the victims of the genocide have received no compensation, whether material or symbolic.