
"shootout" in Spanish

"shootout" in Spanish
balacera{f} [LAm.]
there was a shootout between the police and the bank raiders
se armó una balacera entre policías y asaltantes
tiroteo{m} [Spa.]
During a shootout at a supermarket in the town, two policemen who were in pursuit of the perpetrator were injured.
Durante un tiroteo en un supermercado de la localidad, dos policías que perseguían al culpable resultaron heridos.

Synonyms (English) for "shootout":
Context examples for "shootout" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is a bit like guaranteeing that England will win the World Cup on a penalty shootout.
Esto es como tratar de garantizar que Inglaterra ganará el Mundial en la tanda de penaltis.
Martin, let us not forget, this is not a penalty shootout, but a penalty awarded mid-game!
¡Martin, no olvidemos que esto no es una tanda de penaltis, sino un penalti a medio partido!
However, because of the flexibility instrument, we think we have won the penalty shoot-out.
Sin embargo, el instrumento de la flexibilidad nos hace pensar que ganamos en la prueba de los penaltis.
there was a shootout between the police and the bank raiders
se armó una balacera entre policías y asaltantes
During a shootout at a supermarket in the town, two policemen who were in pursuit of the perpetrator were injured.
Durante un tiroteo en un supermercado de la localidad, dos policías que perseguían al culpable resultaron heridos.
No doubt we will all have the usual shoot-out just before Christmas on TACs and quotas and we can see the lead into that coming along.
No cabe duda de que tendremos nuestra habitual disputa justo antes de Navidad en torno a los TAC y las cuotas, y ya podemos vislumbrar el camino que conduce a ella.