
"secularizado" in English

"secularizado" in English
to secularize{v.t.} (society, education)
frecuencia secularizado, o de la catequesis para ahondar esta fe, sino
proclamation of the faith in a world that is often very secularized, or of
Hablamos de que nuestro continente está profundamente secularizado, y es verdad.
We say that our continent is deeply secularized and it is true.
Es un cometido del cual no le es lícito abdicar, aunque las dificultades derivadas de la mentalidad secularizada a veces lo pueden hacer laborioso.
This is a duty which no priest may ever forsake, even though the difficulties caused by today's secularized mentality can at times make it extremely demanding for him.

Context examples for "secularizado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
frecuencia secularizado, o de la catequesis para ahondar esta fe, sino
proclamation of the faith in a world that is often very secularized, or of
Hablamos de que nuestro continente está profundamente secularizado, y es verdad.
We say that our continent is deeply secularized and it is true.
Personalmente, creo que sería útil para un país musulmán, aunque secularizado, convertirse en miembro de la Unión, como puente entre las culturas de Europa y del mundo árabe.
Personally, I think it would be useful for a Muslim, but secularised, country to become a member of the Union, as a bridge between the cultures of Europe and the Arab world.
Este hecho no puede ser desconocido, especialmente atendiendo a que Turquía, como estado oficial, es un país secularizado, en tanto que la mayoría de sus ciudadanos son musulmanes.
This fact can never be underestimated - especially in the light of the situation that Turkey is officially a secular state, while its citizens are overwhelmingly Muslims.