
"ricé" in English

"ricé" in English
rizar{transitive verb}

Synonyms (Spanish) for "rizar":
Context examples for "ricé" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mientras hablamos, Condoleezza Rice está allí, pero, ¿dónde está Javier Solana?
As we speak, Condoleezza Rice is over there, but where is Javier Solana?
Por ejemplo, el acuerdo de ayer entre Condoleezza Rice y Javier Solana.
Take what was agreed yesterday by Condoleezza Rice and Javier Solana.
Ayer hablamos del «Gran Oriente Próximo» con Condoleezza Rice.
Yesterday, we talked about the broader Middle East with Condoleezza Rice.
(EL) Señor Presidente, ayer mismo afirmaba Condoleezza Rice que Kosovo va a ser independiente.
(EL) Mr President, only yesterday Condoleezza Rice said that Kosovo will become independent.
La declaración de la Secretaria de Estado Rice más bien formulaba preguntas que dar respuestas.
The President-in-Office said that Secretary of State Rice’ s statements last week should be taken at face value.
En este debate se han citado declaraciones efectuadas por Condoleezza Rice, que no dejan lugar a dudas.
There has been mention in this debate of statements made by Condoleezza Rice, which left no room for doubt.
Ayer hablamos del« Gran Oriente Próximo» con Condoleezza Rice.
On the contrary, we take it very seriously.
Rice, los EE.UU. son de la opinión de que Siria es responsable del asesinato.
Statements by Condoleezza Rice reveal that the USA's view is that Syria is responsible for the assassination.
A principios de este mes, la troika se reunió con su Secretaria de Estado, Condoleezza Rice, con este propósito.
At the beginning of this month, the troika met the US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice, for that purpose.
Se reunió con el Secretario de Estado norteamericano, Colin Powell, y con la Consejera de Seguridad Nacional, Condoleeza Rice.
It met with US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and with the National Security Adviser, Condoleeza Rice.
En los últimos meses hemos visto un esfuerzo mucho mayor por parte de los Estados Unidos, en especial de Condoleezza Rice.
Over the last months, we have seen a much greater effort on the part of the USA, particularly from Condoleezza Rice.
La participación de los Estados Unidos, particularmente la participación de Condoleezza Rice, es muy útil en estos momentos difíciles.
US involvement, particularly the involvement of Condoleezza Rice, is very valuable at this difficult time.
Algunos colegas de la Unión Europea pudieron hablar la semana pasada en Bruselas de este asunto con la Secretaria de Estado Rice.
Some European Union colleagues were able to discuss this matter with Secretary of State Rice last week in Brussels.
La Secretaria de Estado Rice dijo significativamente la semana pasada que los Estados Unidos han respetado la soberanía de otros países.
Secretary of State Rice pointedly said last week that the US has respected the sovereignty of other countries.
La Secretaria de Estado Rice dijo significativamente la semana pasada que los Estados Unidos han respetado la soberanía de otros países.
If he concludes that they are true, the question for us is what is the degree of complicity of EU governments?
En efecto, John Bellinger y Condoleezza Rice han declarado explícitamente que no ha habido ninguna violación de la soberanía nacional.
John Bellinger and Condoleezza Rice have explicitly stated that there has been no breach of national sovereignty.
De resultas de ello, comenzaron a ser, digamos, cooperativos, ya que Condoleezza Rice logró que se firmara el acuerdo de seis puntos.
As a result, they were, shall we say, cooperative as it was Mrs Condoleezza Rice who got the six-point agreement signed.
A principios de este mes, la troika se reunió con su Secretaria de Estado, Condoleezza Rice, con este propósito.
We hope you will seize this opportunity and take advantage of the increasing interest in the European Union on the part of your US counterparts.
El Presidente en ejercicio ha dicho que las declaraciones de la Secretaria de Estado Rice de la semana pasada deberían tomarse al pie de la letra.
The President-in-Office said that Secretary of State Rice’s statements last week should be taken at face value.
El tono es distinto y estamos en condiciones de afirmar que la autoridad del Departamento de Estado y de Condoleezza Rice ha aumentado muchísimo.
The tone has changed, and we can tell that the State Department's authority and Condoleezza Rice has grown enormously.