
"reagruparse" in English

"reagruparse" in English
Están tratando de reagruparse allí, vengándose de la derrota que han sufrido y que siguen sufriendo en Iraq.
They are trying to regroup, taking revenge in Afghanistan for the defeat they have suffered and are still suffering in Iraq.
Solo les queda reagruparse e intensificar su lucha si no se satisfacen las necesidades actuales de las clases trabajadoras y populares.
Regrouping and stepping up their fight is the only way out if the contemporary needs of the working and grass-roots classes are to be satisfied.

Context examples for "reagruparse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Están tratando de reagruparse allí, vengándose de la derrota que han sufrido y que siguen sufriendo en Iraq.
They are trying to regroup, taking revenge in Afghanistan for the defeat they have suffered and are still suffering in Iraq.
Solo les queda reagruparse e intensificar su lucha si no se satisfacen las necesidades actuales de las clases trabajadoras y populares.
Regrouping and stepping up their fight is the only way out if the contemporary needs of the working and grass-roots classes are to be satisfied.
Ha quedado claro que estas tres enmiendas orales podían, en cierto modo, reagruparse, en todo caso sobre la base del principio de su toma en consideración.
Everyone has understood that these three oral amendments could in a sense be grouped together, in any case on the basis of the principle under which they were taken into consideration.