
"psychiatric" in Spanish

"psychiatric" in Spanish
There is no place for caged beds or anything like them in a modern psychiatric service.
En un servicio psiquiátrico moderno no hay lugar para camas con rejas ni nada parecido.
Eventually, Mr Karimov was found in a psychiatric hospital, and Mr Khaidarov in a prison.
Finalmente, el señor Karímov ha sido hallado en un hospital psiquiátrico y el señor Jaidarov, en la cárcel.
The prevalence of this problem in psychiatric inpatients has been estimated at between 6 and 17%.
Se ha estimado que la prevalencia de este problema en pacientes psiquiátricos hospitalizados es del 6% al 17%.
Mr President, yesterday I tried to raise the issue of Roisín McAliskey and her continued detention in a secure psychiatric unit in England.
Señor Presidente, ayer traté de plantear la cuestión de Roisín McAliskey y su continua detención en un centro siquiátrico inglés de seguridad.

Synonyms (English) for "psychiatric":
Context examples for "psychiatric" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Apparently, Member States which promote a free market are psychiatric cases.
Aparentemente, los Estados miembros que fomentan el libre mercado son un caso de psiquiatría.
There is no place for caged beds or anything like them in a modern psychiatric service.
Si no lo sabe, puedo asegurarle que no hay camas con rejas en ninguno de los actuales Estados miembros.
I was head of a psychiatric hospital for some years and many of our patients were alcohol-dependent.
Gran parte de los pacientes que debíamos atender eran personas que se encontraban bajo la dependencia del alcohol.
The children are undergoing psychiatric treatment.
Los niños van al psiquiatra.
he was shut away in a psychiatric hospital
fue recluido en un psiquiátrico
to commit sb to an psychiatric hospital
internar a algn en un manicomio
Fourthly, there are also concerns with regard to the situation of adults in psychiatric hospitals, and this is included in Parliament’ s motion for a resolution.
Pero al mismo tiempo, la Unión Europea adopta a veces medidas incomprensibles para el pueblo búlgaro.
psychiatric social worker
trabajadora social psiquiátrica
Finally, the persistent problem of ill treatment in psychiatric hospitals in Romania needs to be addressed immediately.
Hemos advertido seriamente a las autoridades rumanas de que den prioridad al ámbito de la salud mental y dediquen suficientes recursos a este fin.
psychiatric social worker
visitadora social psiquiátrica
psychiatric social worker
trabajador social psiquiátrico
psychiatric social worker
asistente social psiquiátrico
psychiatric social worker
asistente social psiquiátrica
psychiatric social worker
visitador social psiquiátrico
Those are the men who have already said that I should seek psychiatric help because they could not bear to lose elections in a democratic manner.
Esas son las personas que ya han dicho que necesito un psiquiatra porque no soportan perder las elecciones de manera democrática.
The recent reported death of 17 psychiatric patients from malnutrition and hypothermia in a hospital in southern Romania shows the severe problems faced by disabled people.
Por eso, el comentario del Comisario Verheugen sobre política agrícola de esta mañana me ha parecido muy oportuno.
Possible links with serious adverse events, including serious psychiatric or cardiovascular events, cannot be ruled out.
Actualmente se evalúa la posible relación del uso de la vareniclina con eventos adversos graves, incluida la depresión del estado de ánimo, la agitación y los pensamientos suicidas.
The new Member States have inherited inefficient mental healthcare systems based on large psychiatric institutions that just serve to perpetuate social exclusion and stigma.
Es evidente que faltan servicios basados en la comunidad, que deberían ser parte de la infraestructura de atención social y sanitaria.
Particular attention also needs to be given to respect for human rights and minority rights, while the situation in the orphanages and psychiatric hospitals in Romania is far from satisfactory.
Considero eso una media vuelta vergonzosa y flagrante en el camino hacia el cumplimiento de los criterios de Copenhague.
I believe this is a kind of racism against persons with even temporary psychiatric problems, and that does not apply anywhere else at all within the Union.
Creo que esto representa una especie de racismo contra personas que sufren problemas psíquicos, aunque sólo sean temporales, cosa que no sucede en ninguna otra parte de Europa.