
"presbiterio" in English

"presbiterio" in English
unen todos sí por íntima fraternidad sacramental", formando un "solo presbiterio" (Presbyterorum ordinis, 8).
in a priestly fraternity" forming "one presbytery". (Presbyterorum ordinis, 8).
sanctuary{noun} [archit.]

Context examples for "presbiterio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De todos modos, insístase, en las Iglesias jóvenes, en la unidad de todo el presbiterio.
In any case, the unity of the whole ‘presbyterium' should be stressed in the younger Churches.
abandonados y se integren positivamente en el presbiterio.
may never feel abandoned but be able to integrate fully into the 'presbyterium’.
confía a su obispo, el cual, ayudado por el presbiterio, lo reúne
with its Pastor, who, assisted by the presbyterate, unites it in the Holy
con el obispo y su presbiterio.(63)
also belongs to deacons.(63)
prebiterales y a todo el presbiterio.
councils and all priests.
La comunión con los presbíteros se basa en el hecho de que junto al Obispo, y a su alrededor, ellos forman un "solo presbiterio" (37).
Communion with other priests is based on the fact that, together and around their bishop, they constitute a "single priesthood".
El Obispo de Roma celebra esta liturgia rodeado por el Presbiterio de su Iglesia, así como hacen mis Hermanos en el Episcopado junto con los presbíteros de sus Comunidades diocesanas.
The Bishop of Rome celebrates this Liturgy surrounded by the presbyterate of his Church, just as my Brother Bishops do with the priests of their diocesan communities.
Deseo en esta circunstancia aludir al Directorio preparado por la Congregación para el Clero y que precisamente hoy se entrega a los Obispos, a los Consejos prebiterales y a todo el presbiterio.
On this occasion I wish to mention the Directory prepared by the Congregation for the Clergy which will be presented to Bishops, priests' councils and all priests.