
"polyvinyl chloride" in Spanish

"polyvinyl chloride" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "polyvinyl chloride":
Similar translations for "polyvinyl chloride" in Spanish
Context examples for "polyvinyl chloride" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European Commission adopts a Green Paper on environmental issues linked to polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
La Comisión Europea adopta un Libro Verde sobre los problemas medioambientales relacionados con el policloruro de vinilo (PVC).
Neither PVC, in other words polyvinyl chloride, nor waste from PVC are classified as hazardous under EU law.
La legislación de la UE no incluye ni el PVC (policloruro de vinilo) ni los residuos derivados del mismo entre las sustancias peligrosas.
We now know that all kinds of new substances which were valued by everyone initially, such as asbestos and polyvinyl chloride, are harmful.
Entre tanto, sabemos que todo tipo de compuestos nuevos y originariamente apreciados por todos, tales como el asbesto y el policloruro de vinilo no son buenos.