
"plutonium" in Spanish

"plutonium" in Spanish
In particular, plutonium must be rendered harmless by conversion into MOX fuel elements.
Ante todo habría que neutralizar el plutonio transformándolo en combustible MOX.
You know that it contains plutonium and other materials that are usable.
Como sabe, en ellos hay plutonio y otros materiales que son utilizables.
Even the tiniest amounts of plutonium are enough to poison the whole of mankind.
Ya las más mínimas cantidades de plutonio son suficientes para envenenar a toda la humanidad.

Synonyms (English) for "plutonium":
Context examples for "plutonium" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For that reason alone we must prevent the production of plutonium. To do so we must put an end to the civil and military use of nuclear energy.
Tenemos que impedir, por ello, que surja y finalizar el uso civil y militar de la energía nuclear.
This concern is only heightened by the risk of plutonium being stolen by terrorist groups which, alas, are increasingly active.
Me complace que los Estados Unidos hayan aceptado esta estrategia consistente en conseguir los objetivos a través de negociaciones.
For example, in addition to normal production, many modern plants can utilise the plutonium that would have been used for nuclear weapons prior to decommissioning.
Uno de los requisitos previos de cara a la ampliación hacia el Este es garantizar la seguridad nuclear.
Now new questions are arising about the nuclear test of 30 May 1998 in Baluchistan, which looks as if it could have been a joint test of a plutonium weapon between Pakistan and North Korea.
Quizás las cláusulas relativas a los derechos humanos no deberían incluirse en acuerdos comerciales, dado que esto enturbia las aguas, pero deberían depender de la ayuda recibida.