
"pivotar" in English

"pivotar" in English
to pivot{v.i.} [phys.]
La junta articulada permite que la pala pivote y que, en su conjunto, genere un empuje mayor.
The articulated joint allows the blade to pivot and the entire blade generates thrust.
A través de unos aros suspendidos encima del escenario, los artistas pivotan y dan vueltas en el aire, solos o al unísono, con una gracia y una destreza increíbles.
In hoops suspended above the stage, the performers pivot and twirl through the air, at times solo and at times in unison, performing stunning feats of grace and dexterity.

Context examples for "pivotar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lo que pido es que se articulen medidas de apoyo comunes y que no se hagan pivotar las soluciones en la capacidad de respuesta de cada Estado miembro.
What I am asking is for common support measures to be put together, and for the solutions not to revolve around the capacity of each Member State to respond.