
"packer" in Spanish

We had the opportunity of holding intensive discussions, not only with the packaging industry, but also with the packers and the environmental groups.
Hemos tenido oportunidad de mantener intensas conversaciones, tanto con la industria de los envases, los envasadores y los grupos ecologistas.
empaquetadora{noun} (máquina)

Synonyms (English) for "packer":
Context examples for "packer" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If Mr Packer blamed God for what happened, goodness knows whom Mr Hogg would have blamed!
Si el Sr. Packer culpaba a Dios de los sucedido, quién sabe a quién habría culpado el Sr. Hogg.
a meat packer
una empresa de productos cárnicos
she's a good packer
sabe hacer las maletas
she's a good packer
sabe hacer las valijas
she's a good packer
sabe empacar
a meat packer
un frigorífico
Given that the Permanent Secretary, Mr Packer, who attended in place of Mr Hogg, informed us that BSE was an act of God, we perhaps should be grateful that Douglas Hogg did not attend.
Teniendo en cuenta que el Secretario Permanente, Sr. Packer, que asistió en su lugar, nos dijo que la EEB fue un designio divino, quizá debamos estar agradecidos de que Douglas Hogg no asistiera.