
"p a system" in Spanish

They are deprived of the right of representation even if they had a right to vote.
Estarán privados del derecho de representación, pese a haber tenido derecho a voto.
RAI, the State broadcaster, gives a voice both to the majority and the opposition.
La RAI, la emisora estatal, pone voz tanto a la mayoría como a la oposición.
It is therefore a good thing that support for those States is being urged.
Es bueno, por tanto, que se haga un llamamiento a apoyar a dichos Estados.
A(also: understudy)
Natural light was just as important in this design as in the previous ones done by Paul Rudolph.
El parque de 148 acres de extensión es un ejemplo sobresaliente
I regard the compromise that has been reached as an outstanding piece of work.
Considero que el compromiso alcanzado constituye un trabajo sobresaliente.
They set their seal of approval on the presidency, and a large headline read, 'Passed with great credit '.
Este diario calificaba a la Presidencia sueca como " sobresaliente ".
But the question is now: is the European Union doing anything about it as well?
Pero ahora la pregunta que nos formulamos es:¿la Unión Europea hace algo al respecto?
Mother (...).He loved her as his Mother, he lived in obedience.Though
a la propia Madre (...).La amaba como madre, vivió obedeciéndola.Aunque
An another thing: who says that the system of patents necessarily helps progress?
Por otra parte,¿la técnica de la patente asegura siempre el progreso?
The first is the double budgeting relating to rents, as explained above.
En primer lugar, los arrendamientos citados están doblemente presupuestados.
This is a more pragmatic and wise approach and I am happy that we managed to achieve it.
En primer lugar, quiero dirigirme a los participantes del mercado.
First of all, there is a great need for proper vocational retraining.
En primer lugar existe una gran necesidad de reciclaje profesional.
To my mind, greater transparency must be an absolute priority.
Una mayor transparencia me parece la prioridad número uno.
The number one issue is to provide work that can ensure people a decent standard of living.
El problema número uno es ofrecer trabajo que pueda garantizar a las personas un nivel de vida digno.
I can tell you that this is the number one priority as far as the candidate countries are concerned.
Puedo decirles que esta es la prioridad número uno, por lo que respecta a los países candidatos.