
"overabundant" in Spanish

"overabundant" in Spanish
The crisis is caused by an over-abundant supply of milk, which is making prices drop sharply.
La crisis está causada por una oferta de leche sobreabundante que ha hecho que los precios se desplomen.

Synonyms (English) for "overabundant":
Context examples for "overabundant" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
As a result, the list of priorities has become balanced without being overabundant.
En consecuencia, la lista de prioridades resulta equilibrada sin ser excesiva.
The growing tourist influx into Central Europe is expected to alleviate the pressure upon the EU regions currently suffocating from the over-abundant flow of tourists.
Mediante la reforma de la industria del turismo, la UE está estimulando el crecimiento económico y el entendimiento mutuo.
The growing tourist influx into Central Europe is expected to alleviate the pressure upon the EU regions currently suffocating from the over-abundant flow of tourists.
Se espera que la creciente llegada de turistas a Europa Central alivie la presión sobre las zonas de la UE actualmente agobiadas con el excesivo flujo de turistas.