
"oveja" in English

"oveja" in English
sheep{noun} [zool.]
Y el camino a la oveja Dolly se ha visto precedido de muchos embriones de oveja.
And the road to Dolly was paved with numerous sheep embryos.
Es un oveja muy feliz y, probablemente, más feliz de lo que somos los miembros de esta Asamblea.
She is a very happy sheep and probably rather happier than are Members in this Assembly.
La oveja Dolly no fue ni el primer ni el último animal clonado.
Dolly the sheep was neither the first nor the last cloned animal.
ewe{noun} [zool.]
Aun peor es la situación de las ovejas lactantes, que están desapareciendo.
Even worse than that it is the lactating ewes that are disappearing.
Hablé con agricultores cuyas ovejas estaban abortando a consecuencia de haber bebido agua infectada.
I talked with farmers whose ewes were aborting their lambs due to drinking the infected water.
Se llevan a la montaña unas mil ovejas con 1.200 corderos.
A thousand ewes with 1200 lambs are taken to the hillside.

Context examples for "oveja" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Basta tener ante los ojos al Buen Pastor en busca de la oveja extraviada
We need only consider the Good Shepherd who goes in search
te he dicho siempre que cada oveja con su pareja
I've always told you it's best to stick with your own kind
La idea de que cada oveja se registre con un número de 14 dígitos cada vez que se traslade es completamente ridícula.
Regrettably, Commissioner Byrne does not seem to have been listening to what has been going on in the Committee on Agriculture.
cada oveja con su pareja
birds of a feather flock together
la oveja negra de la familia
the black sheep of the family
Barroso que organizaran un enorme banquete en Portugal y sirvieran queso de leche de oveja y vino de Samos.
I, myself, would like to suggest to the Commissioner and Mr Barroso that they organise a huge banquet in Portugal and serve lamb's milk cheese and Samos wine.
El significado último de la concesión de este premio es, desde la óptica altruista de esta abogada, que Bielorrusia no puede ser "una oveja negra" en el mapa geográfico europeo.
This is the ultimate significance of the prize awarded to her for her selflessness. Belarus must not remain a "black hole" on the European map.
El segundo obstáculo se debe, evidentemente, a la propia hipocresía de esta organización comercial del mundo, que se parece, en el fondo, a la negociación entre el lobo y la oveja.
The second stumbling block, of course, is the hypocrisy of the World Trade Organisation, which is approaching these negotiations like a wolf approaches a lamb.