
"orthodox" in Spanish

"orthodox" in Spanish
ortodoxo{adj. m}
This is mentioned in order to distinguish it from the Serbian Orthodox group.
Esta mención se hace expresamente para distinguirla del grupo ortodoxo serbio.
I do not think that the European Parliament should be more orthodox than the most orthodox of central bank presidents.
No creo que el Parlamento Europeo deba ser más ortodoxo que el más ortodoxo de los presidentes de bancos centrales.
It is the orthodox pole of Christianity in the world.
Es el punto de apoyo del cristianismo ortodoxo en el mundo.
católico{adj.} (ortodoxo)
One place is an Orthodox centre of pilgrimage, while the other is a Catholic centre of pilgrimage.
Un lugar es un centro de peregrinación ortodoxa, mientras que el otro es un centro católico de peregrinación.
to relations between Catholics and members of the Orthodox Churches.
referente a las relaciones entre católicos y ortodoxos.
It is my heartfelt hope that wherever Oriental Catholics and Orthodox live
Espero vivamente que, donde vivan juntos católicos orientales y

Context examples for "orthodox" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Protestant communities and also Orthodox Churches) and including non-Christian
orientales), como de otras religiones cristianas (diversas ramas protestantes y
within the theological dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox
favorables que afectan también al diálogo teológico entre
And yet Russian Orthodox culture is at the present time poorly represented in Europe.
The Netherlands is also home to the present assembly centre of the Modernist architecture register in NAi.
We must therefore react - and this is the sticking point for adherents of orthodox monetary policy.
Por lo tanto, hay que reaccionar. Ahí es donde les aprieta el zapato a los defensores de la ortodoxia monetarista.
In the past, Muslims, Catholic Croats and Orthodox Serbs have taken it in turn to rule over the others.
Un fuerte liderazgo nacional lleva a una política étnica y a la discriminación, dos consecuencias que no son deseables.
The report breaks with orthodox opinion which is otherwise the hallmark of debate in the European Union and its institutions.
Con ello el informe rompe con el conformismo ideológico que acostumbra a caracterizar los debates que se celebran dentro de la Unión europea y sus organismos.
and Orthodox.
Ser fieles
Rebuilt around the year 975, it hosted the Seat of the Orthodox Coptic patriarchate, which wa transferred from Alexandria by the patriarch Christodoulou (1047-1077).
Reconstruida hacia el año 975, acogió a partir del siglo XI la sede del patriarcado copto, transferido de Alejandría por el patriarca Cristódulos (1047-1077).
The Union must step up its presence in Kosovo and call on the Albanian, Serbian and Montenegrin authorities to defend the rights of the minorities and protect Serbian Orthodox cultural sites.
Por su parte, las Naciones Unidas deberían confeccionar un programa para reconstruir los recursos destruidos y para esbozar el estatuto final de Kosovo.
The creation of a Russian Orthodox cultural center in Europe will help strengthen international relations and is of enormous importance from the point of view of education and culture.
The two architects ran the organisation until 2002, when its seat was transferred to Paris, and the management taken over by Italian architect and professor Maristella Casciato.