
"Mons." in English

"Mons." in English
"Mons." in Spanish
Mgr{noun} [Brit.] (Monsignor)
Marcel Bakoma, Ministro Provincial de los Hermanos Menores de Togo, el arzobispo de Lomé Mons.
Marcel Bakoma, Minister Provincial of the Friars Minor of Togo, Mgr.
¿Qué lógica existe entre el NO de Mons.
What is there in common between the NO of Mgr.
Msgr{noun} (Monsignor)
Todo el encuentro estuvo coordinado por el delegado del CCEE Mons.
The whole of the convention was coordinated by the delegate of the CCEE, Msgr.
La presencia del obispo auxiliar de la diócesis de Banja Luka Mons.
The presence of the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Banjo Luka Msgr.
Vidal Rodríguez López, ofm, Secretario General para la Formación y los Estudios ofm; Mons.
Vidal Rodriguez Lopez, OFM, Secretary General for Formation and Studies, OFM, Msgr.
monte{m} [astron.]
mon{m} [ling.]
That is why I consider the report by Millán Mon to be extremely important at this juncture.
Por este motivo considero que el informe del señor Millán Mon es extremadamente importante.
Mr Millán Mon's report brings up all these important issues.
El informe del señor Millán Mon menciona todas estas importantes cuestiones.
As King Sihanouk told me, 'mon peuple est toujours très malade '.
Tal como el rey Sihanuk me dijo: mon peuple est toujours très malade .

Synonyms (English) for "mons":
Context examples for "Mons." in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
particular a Chiara Lubich, Kiko Argüello, Jean Vanier y mons.
greeting to Chiara Lubich, Kiko Arguello, Jean Vanier and Mons.
as an instrument for youth groups preparing to take part in world Day 2000.
Sergiusz han visitado al Administrador Apostólico, Mons.
Sergiusz proceeded to the Apostolic Administrator, Mons.
De modo particular, a mons.
In a special way I greet Bishop Wojciech, Pastor of the Church
El actual Presidente es el arzobispo mons.
The President is at this time Archbishop Mons.
Dieudonne Nzapainga y al Nuncio, Mons.
Dieudonnè Nzapainga and to the Nuncio, Mons.
Cuenta con el apoyo de una operación de la UE que tiene su cuartel general dentro del de la OTAN en Mons, como he dicho antes.
He is supported by an EU operation which has its headquarters located within those of NATO in Mons, as I mentioned before.
Presidente, Christa Randzio-Plath no tiene que preocuparse de que todo el mundo pague con monedas distintas en Mons y Alemania.
Mr President, Christa Randzio-Plath does not have to worry that everyone in Mons and in Germany will pay with other coins.
Misa de San Damián celebrada por mons.
Mass at San Damiano by Mons.
Tonelli), opción preferencial por los jóvenes en el pontificado de Juan Pablo II (S.E.mons.
Riccardo Tonelli) and on the predilection for youth in the Pontificate of John Paul II (Bishop Stanislaw Rylko).
que -como afirmó S.E. mons.
Celebration of the World Day –
Homília Mons.
Homily by Mons.
Incluso cuando su obispo, mons. Heerey, lo envió a la abadía cisterciense de Monte San Bernardo, en Inglaterra, para seguir su vocación monástica,
was precious to him. Even when he was sent by Bishop Heerey to the Cistercian Abbey of Mount Saint Bernard in England to pursue his monastic vocation, with
En nombre del Santo Padre Juan Pablo II y mío propio saludo a Mons. Julián Barrio Barrio, Pastor de esta Archidiócesis de Santiago que acoge el Encuentro Europeo de Jóvenes.
In the Holy Father’s name, and in my own, I greet Archbishop Julián Barrio Barrio, Pastor of the Archdiocese of Santiago, host to this European Meeting of Young People.
Agustín Esposito, Ministro provincial de Nápoles, y el obispo de Ischia, Mons.
Br. Augustine Esposito, Minister Provincial of Naples, and the Bishop of Ischia, Filippo Strofaldi, visited during the meeting and enriched us with their reflections.