
"moderator" in Spanish

each particular Church since he is the moderator of the entire ministry of the
diocesano, como moderador, en su Iglesia, de todo el ministerio de la
Otherwise, another member may become the moderator of any ownerless communities.
De lo contrario, otro miembro podría convertirse en moderador de esas comunidades sin propietario.
Wojciech Polak, and moderator Jorge Madureira of Portugal.
Wojciech Polak y por el moderador don Jorge Madureira de Portugal.
presidente{m} [rel.]
What is helpful in that connection is the fact that your previous President, Mr Pat Cox, was prepared to act as moderator during this meeting.
A este respecto ayuda que su Presidente anterior, Pat Cox, esté dispuesto a actuar de moderador en esta reunión.

Context examples for "moderator" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
"chaplain", "coordinator", " moderator" or other
no ordenados asuman, por ejemplo, la denominación de « pastor »,
You may want to know how to revoke moderator privileges too.
Si eres el propietario, sigue estos pasos:
In 1993, there was a fear that North Korea might obtain nuclear materials from its Soviet-type nuclear facilities, graphite moderator reactors, with a view to putting them to military use.
En 1993 surgió el temor de que Corea del Norte sacara su material nuclear de las centrales de tipo soviético, con reactores moderados de grafito, para buscarle un destino militar.