
"Mc" in English

"Mc" in English
"Mc" in Spanish
Completar el curso MC 101 Introducción a Avid Media Composer.
If necessary, take theMC 101 Introduction to Avid Media Composercourse.
Superficie de control System 5-MC – Consolas y superficies de control Pro Mixing de Avid
System 5-MC Control Surface – Pro Mixing Consoles and Control Surfaces from Avid
Como centro de control se ubica una superficie de control MCPro de 16 faders.
At the helm is a 16-fader MC Pro control surface.
bastonero{m} (en una recepción)
Mc{m} (megaciclo)
If necessary, take theMC 101 Introduction to Avid Media Composercourse.
Completar el curso MC 101 Introducción a Avid Media Composer.
System 5-MC Control Surface – Pro Mixing Consoles and Control Surfaces from Avid
Superficie de control System 5-MC – Consolas y superficies de control Pro Mixing de Avid
At the helm is a 16-fader MC Pro control surface.
Como centro de control se ubica una superficie de control MCPro de 16 faders.

Synonyms (English) for "Mc":
Context examples for "Mc" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Tal vez pueda referirme a una enmienda concreta, la planteada por la señora McAvan.
Perhaps I could refer to just one specific amendment, that raised by Mrs McAvan.
Pero aquí no se trata de echar la culpa a los Estados miembros, colega McCartin.
But, Mr McCartin, this does not mean assigning the debt to the Member States!
Señora McKenna, no es una cuestión que podemos resolver en el Pleno en este momento.
Ms McKenna, this is not an issue that can be resolved right now in this Chamber.
El Comisario McCreevy planteó un 15 % y la industria hizo caer esta cifra al 5 %.
Commissioner McCreevy brought up 15% and was then beaten down to 5% by the industry.
Por consiguiente, el Comisario McCreevy fue conminado a comparecer ante la Cámara.
The outcome was that CommissionerMcCreevy was summoned to appear before the House.
Estamos en contra de la ejecución de Timothy McVeigh, aunque sea un asesino.
We are opposed to the execution of Timothy McVeigh, even though he is a murderer.
McMahon hizo su pregunta en el contexto de la Conferencia Intergubernamental.
Mr McMahon put his question in the context of the Intergovernmental Conference.
El Comisario McCreevy ha explicado muy bien lo que está en juego esencialmente.
Commissioner McCreevy explained very well what is essentially at stake here.
McKenna, en nombre del Grupo Verts/ALE, sobre Camboya;
B5-0572/2001 by Mrs McKenna, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, on Cambodia;
McCarthy ha explicado muy bien la cuestión de la reserva negativa de la Categoría 2.
The negative reserve in Category II has been outlined quite well by Mrs McCarthy.
Sin embargo, como sabrá o sospecha, estábamos esperando al Comisario McCreevy.
However, we were expecting Commissioner McCreevy - as I am sure you know or suspect.
He presentado la enmienda 3 en relación con este aspecto y a petición de Louise McVay.
In connection with this I have tabled Amendment No 3 at Louise McVay’ s request.
He presentado la enmienda 3 en relación con este aspecto y a petición de Louise McVay.
In connection with this I have tabled Amendment No 3 at Louise McVay’s request.
Espero, señor Comisario McCreevy, que conteste a este punto en su respuesta.
I hope, Commissioner McCreevy, that you will answer that point in your reply.
I give the floor to Mrs Ferrero-Waldner to answer Mrs McIntosh's question.
He leído el mismo artículo del Lancet que la señora McAvan y el señor Schlyter.
I have read the same article in the Lancet as Mrs McAvan and Mr Schlyter.
Yo debería haber empezado presentando las disculpas de mi colega, el Comisario McCreevy.
I should have started with the apologies of my colleague, Commissioner McCreevy.
Me gustaría felicitar al Comisario McCreevy por su apasionado llamamiento de ayer.
I would like to congratulate Commissioner McCreevy on his passionate appeal yesterday.
McMillan-Scott lo hace continuamente y quisiera poner este hecho a su atención.
Mr McMillan-Scott is doing so and I would like to draw that to your attention.
Ese sería un sistema deseable para el señor McCreevy, pero no lo vamos a consentir.
That would be a system after Mr McCreevy’ s heart, and we will not have it.