
"materialist" in Spanish

"materialist" in Spanish
In a materialist and secular society, they have to oppose every thing that does not respect human life.
En una sociedad materialista, secularizada, deben oponerse a todo lo que no respeta la vida humana!
This is no fault of the nationalists, this is the fault of the cosmopolitan materialists who govern us and who govern Europe today.
No es culpa de los nacionalistas, es culpa de los materialistas cosmopolitas que nos gobiernan y gobiernan la Europa de hoy.
In a materialist and secular society, they have to oppose every thing that does not respect human life.
En una sociedad materialista, secularizada, deben oponerse a todo lo que no respeta la vida humana!
This is no fault of the nationalists, this is the fault of the cosmopolitan materialists who govern us and who govern Europe today.
No es culpa de los nacionalistas, es culpa de los materialistas cosmopolitas que nos gobiernan y gobiernan la Europa de hoy.